Being More Romantic Being More Romantic Being More Romantic

Being More Romantic
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At the heart of any and all dating experiences is romance. For those that think they aren’t romantic, you are wrong. If you can fall in love you are romantic, I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t have the ability to fall in love. So, if you can fall in love you can easily be romantic too. It’s not that romance is a bunch of grand gestures, it is in the small details.

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 Tips to help you
Women, and even some men, say it’s the little things that matter the most, but the small gestures is down to both men and women to start being romantic. It is and always has been a two way process and both of the people get a great sense of pleasure when they show they care about each other. Sure, yeah, we would all love to just have a romantic picnic on some deserted beach with the person of our dreams, but romance begins closer to home, use these tips to help you along.

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  • 1. Understand just what romance really means and why it’s important. Learn what romantic aspects there are to yourself and your own character. No matter how tough a person is on the outside, no one has a heart of stone.
  • 2. Remember that romance isn’t the only domain of women. Men who are romantic are always far more successful when dating.
  • 3. Being romantic has nothing at all to do with masculinity. Actually, the fact is that being romantic can possibly enhance you manliness and reputation with the girls.
  • 4. Just because all women aren’t naturally romantic either doesn’t mean that has to be the case.
  • 5. Be thoughtful. Thoughtfulness is the key to being romantic. So try to not be so thoughtless and selfish.
  • 6. You need to communicate with your partner on every level you can. Anticipate their desires and needs.
  • 7. When you are talking to your partner you should keep eye contact, hold the gaze.

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  • 8. Location, situation, mood and ambiance can make a dramatic effect heighten the romance.
  • 9. Give your partner a phone call just to say hello or remind them that you love them.
  • 10. When you say ‘I love you’ learn to meant ever word of it. Don’t ever say it if you don’t mean it.
  • 11. Always be spontaneous. Do little things and deeds that show them that you are thinking about them.
  • 12. Put your partner first no matter what the situation is and always give them the benefit of the doubt.
  • 13. Don’t forget to surprise them with flowers or other goodies on special occasions and days. If you got the money plan surprise weekend getaways.
  • 14. Always, for the sake of your life, remember birthdays, landmark days, anniversaries and other days which are special between you two.
  • 15. Romance never ends in a good relationship, so keep it going. And remember to that compromise is very important as well.

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  • 16. Possibly watch romantic movies together and spend quality time doing things you share and enjoy together.
  • 17. Plan and act ahead of time to take your partner out to a picnic in a park or beach or wherever. Prepare in advance without them knowing.
  • 18. If the occasion is to arise, don’t be afraid to dance with your partner, give them your special attention.
  • 19. Hold hands and do whatever you can to make your partner feel close to you.
  • 20. Talk about anything. Be open to talk and chat on whatever arises.
  • 21. Breathing room is always important, remember not to glue yourself to them.
  • 22. Do things that make you both laugh. Laughter plays a very important role in romance.

    There you guys have it, 22 more tips on how to be more romantic for your partner and lover. Good luck everyone.

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